Varying Titles: Unser Familienblatt : Jugendbeilage des "Israelitischen Familienblattes" Unser Familienblatt : Kinderbeilage des "Israelitischen Familienblattes"
Summary: "Unser Familienblatt" (our family paper) was a children's supplement to "Israelitisches Familienblatt," the leading, non-party Jewish weekly published in Germany before World War II. "Unser Familienblatt" had stories, articles, games, puzzles, activities and cartoons for Jewish children. Later issues had sections for "Briefwechsel" (letter exchanges) which listed names of readers seeking pen pals. Frequently issues focused on Jewish holiday themes like Hanukkah. In its final years of publication, the articles had Zionist themes. Editor: Stefan Kayser, 1934-[Jahrgang 2], Nr. 11 (2. Mai 1935).
Supplement to: Israelitisches Familienblatt (Berlin and Hamburg, Germany : 1898-1938).
Dates of Publication: [Jahrgang 1], Nr. 1 (29. Nov. 1934) - Jahrgang 4, Nr. 7 (14. Juli 1938)
Digitized Holdings: [1. Jahrgang], Nr. 1 (29. Nov. 1934)-4. Jahrgang, Nr. 7 (14. Juli 1938)
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